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About Me

Hi there and thanks for stopping by! My name is Fidan, I am from Baku, Azerbaijan, where I have lived on and off throughout my life. I have spent some time living in the US before moving to the UK with my family.


We now call West Lancashire our home! Our family has expanded, and I got used to wearing my wellies a lot more. I love traveling but my biggest love is for photography.


I can't remember a time when I was not taking photos, I always wanted to capture the essence of the moment around me. I could spend hours with a camera in my hands, taking long walks and getting inspired by songs in the mid-summer sun rays. Today this is where you can see the results of my work.

Having children of my own and constantly wanting to capture every moment of their lives has definitely been a major factor in my decision to focus on family lifestyle photography. Looking back through the photos you never remember how tired you were, only how cute and squishy our babies used to be! I absolutely love capturing those precious moments.


My style is very laid back and candid, I blend in to capture the soul of the moment. Drop me a line using the form below and lets chat about what it is that you are looking for!








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